
New Feature for Finding Confidence!

Me Ra Koh

We have a new feature for finding confidence on our website!

As our teaching program approaches it’s one year anniversary, we are ever growing in making this the best photography workshop program for both teachers and students!  Our latest feature is A MAP!

I LOVE MAPS!  Brian LOVES maps!!  And I can’t help it…I LOVED the idea of a PINK map!  🙂

From now on, when you click on the Workshop tab above it will take you to a special page that has an interactive pink map for finding a CONFIDENCE teacher near you!  Lots of fun links, photos, quotes, thoughts from me about why confidence matters, and more!

Photography Workshops offered by Me Ra Koh's Team of Teachers, Nationwide

Check it out!!  The map will load at the top of the page.  For some computers it takes a few seconds.  But you can all access it on your smartphones too!

This is such a fun addition for us to helping you with finding confidence in your camera and creativity!

(And seriously, thanks for the overwhelming congrats yesterday on Your Child in Pictures: The Parents’ Guide to Photographing Your Toddler and Child from Age One to Ten!!!  You are the most supportive, wonderful community!  Love you all!)




